Sunday, December 31, 2006

Leaf Angels in the Manner of Ana Mendieta: Ground

Leaf Angels in the Manner of Ana Mendieta: Ground
canvas, dye, fabric paint, wax, chalk
3' x 4'

I dyed a mottled ground on raw canvas, then applied a beeswax resist by rubbing pebbled pavement and painting with a brush. I redyed it several times, removed the wax and brought out more definition with fabric paints. I chose fabric paints so the canvas would remain soft and pliable. I wanted the paint to meld with the fibers (as in dyeing processes) rather than just sit on top of them like a traditional painting.

Finally, I drew a chalk outline where the shadow of a figure is suggested and photographed it outside on the ground. Something intrigues me about returning art to a site of inspiration like this and then (re)photographing.

I use the word 'rephotographing' because this piece was inspired by photographs I took in the Smoky Mountains for the "Landscape Action," The Perfect Fall: After peak and on to loss. The Perfect Fall series overlaps with another series I call Tourism and Tragedy. The Ana Mendieta piece is a part of both series.

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